Names Without Images

To generate a list of names missing portraits:
1. Click the Image Not Found heading.
2. Click OK to display the name list of missing portraits.

To resolve missing portraits:
1. In the name list, click the name of the person to whom you want to assign a portrait.
2. In the Portrait section, click the Add/Replace button  .
3. Browse to and select the desired file.
4. Click Open button.

The portrait displays in the Name Detail, and “Image Not Found” clears from the Name List.

NOTE: The only image file types you can upload are .jpg and .tif.

To remove a portrait:
1. In the name list, click the name of the person to whom you want to remove a portrait.
2. In the Portrait section, click the Remove button  .
3. Click the Remove button.

NOTE: When you remove a portrait, you are not deleting it, but unlinking it. If it’s assigned to the wrong name, you can unlink the photo and link it to another name.